Sivi dežni škornji - MIKK LINE

Dežni škornji za otroke iz naravne gume Mikk-Line.
Dežni škornji so praktični in kot nalašč za otroka, ki rad hodi in skače po lužah. Na notranji strani imajo dežni škornji lahek tekstil ter mehak in odstranljiv vložek. Dežni škornji so vodoodporni in ohranjajo otrokova stopala suha in čista ves dan. Dežni škornji za otroke Mikk-Line so opremljeni tudi z odsevnimi detajli, zaradi katerih je vaš otrok viden v temi. Proti zdrsni podplat otroku olajša hojo po spolzkih površinah
MELTON was established in 1985 and acquired by Helle Ghodt in 2004. In recent years the company has gone through a turn a round. Today, through continuous adaptation and development Melton A/S is a solid, modern and dynamically growing company. The company is unique in designing and manufacturing socks, indoor baby shoes and other accessories such as hats, gloves and underwear for children. Business partners are customers and stores in specialty stores – children’s shops, teen stores, department stores and specialty stores – both in Denmark and abroad. We presently export to Europe, America, Asia and Russia.
Melton A/S is founded on three values: FLEXIBILITY, QUALITY and SERVICE. Everything we do and how we do it is rooted in these three values - it makes the day more enjoyable for customers, suppliers and not least our team of skilled and dedicated employees. The organization is flexible, dynamic and characterized by short decision paths. Team spirit and business skills are an important part of the culture in which we all are driven by. We want the best and together we achieve the set goals. All MELTON designs are house-own “Danish design” – colorful, exquisite materials and in a fresh and fashionable design.
MELTON is also a brand in MELTON Group. MELTON group consists of four strong children’s brands in one house: MELTON (socks and accessories), MOVE (shoes), MIKK-LINE (children’s outerwear) and PAPFAR (children’s clothing)
Dežni škornji Mikk-Line:
- vodoodporni škornji
- iz naravne gume
- enostavno čiščenje
- Ohranjajo noge vašega otroka suhe in čist
- Odsevni detajli, ki povečujejo varnost vašega otroka, ko je zunaj temno
- S podplatom proti zdrsu lahko otrok lažje hodi po grudastih in spolzkih površinah
Velikost | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 |
Notranja dolžina vložka v cm | 17,8 | 18,5 | 19,2 | 19,9 | 20,6 | 21,2 | 21,9 | 22,6 | 23,2 | 23,9 | 24,6 | 25,3 |
Izdelek, ki je na zalogi, bo dostavljen v treh delavnih dneh. Če izdelka ni na zalogi, ga bomo odpremili isti dan, ko pride na zalogo. O stanju zaloge in terminu dostave vas bomo obvestili preko elektronskega sporočila ali telefona.